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Loveable by Kelly Flanagan

I love this book because it focuses on undoing all of the old critical tapes about ourselves that we play ad naseum. Give one to everyone in your family. 

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Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn

The BEST book on mindfulness meditation by one of the early pioneers of M.Med. Jon Kabat-Zinn is funny, deep and practical.

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When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

My daily read during my meditation and prayer time. Pema Chodron teaches us to embrace the pain & suffering in life & learn from them versus running away!

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The Naked Now by Richard Rohr

"The Naked Now", "the sacrament of the present moment" & how it transforms us.

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Everything Belongs by Richard Rohr

This book is about moving beyond traditional forms of prayer and being open to contemplation. Letting God in. 

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The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

"I am enough. I am brave and worthy of love and belonging. I don't care what you want me to be."

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Falling Upward by Richard Rohr

A MUST read for anyone 60+. Finding your true/spiritual self in the second half of life.

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The Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu

If there is anyone who can write about Forgiving it is Desmond Tutu!

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Being Mortal by Atul Gawande

A book about our end times. It's about medicine and dying with dignity on our own terms. 

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The Four Loves by C.S.Lewis

A classic! I recommend this to everyone especially those who need to learn about Agape Love.

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Loving-Kindness by Sharon Salzberg

I bought this book in 1975. This is my most recommended book to my patients. Wisdom/Life plan.

An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison

An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison

The incredible memoir about living with a bi-polar disorder.

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The 36-Hour Day by Nancy Mace and Peter Rabins

This is the Bible for anyone caring for someone with Alzheimer's/Dementia.

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Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr

A deep read. Richard writes about Our False Self versus Our True Self. READ THIS 1!

Francis The Journey and The Dream by Murray Bodo

Francis The Journey and The Dream by Murray Bodo

The original edition. The basis of my spiritual beliefs. A life of simplicity & compassion. 

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The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

A Must Read guide to The Agreements that will change your life & those around you!

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A Grief Observed by C.S.Lewis

Another C.S.Lewis classic. Written soon after the death of his wife. A great book for widows/widower.

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Francis The Journey and The Dream by Murray Bodo

My spiritual director in the Franciscan seminary. My dear friend & poet. I love this book!

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A Quiet Mind by Susan Piver

I love this book for its depth & its six practices to learn to quiet the mind. A great beginner's guide.

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Surviving When Someone You Love Was Murdered by Lula Moshourse Redmond

Listed as a guide for profs. I believe this is a great read for those whose loved one was murdered.

Learning to Speak Alzheimer's by Robert N. Butler

As the title reflects, this is for those dealing with communication & Alzheimer's.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by David Clark

This is a primer of 30 cognitive-behavioral tactics for overcoming anxiety, depression and phobias.

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What's Happening to Grandpa? by Maria Shriver

Maria Shriver has written a beautiful book for children about the progression of Alzheimer's disease in a grandparent. 

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When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön

This is the pocket version of Pema's book, "Embracing life to make us wiser & less stuck".

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Can't we talk about something more PLEASANT? by Roz Chast

Rosaline "Roz" Chast is a New Yorker Cartoonist writing about being an only child and caring for George 95 & Elizabeth 97.

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Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr

I have led on-line 12 step support groups. Rohr adds anxiety & depression to addictions.

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The Mindful Path To Self-Compassion by Christopher K. Germer

How to use mindfulness to have compassion for self with destructive thoughts.

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My Stolen Son by Susan Markowitz and Jenna Glatzer

The tragic story of my patient Susan Markowitz & the abduction/murder of her son Nick.

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Braving THE Wilderness by Brené Brown

"True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are. It requires us to be who we are."

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Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic by David H. Barlow & Michael G. Craske

This is the primary workbook that I use with patients who have anxiety & panic. Step-by-step Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Talking About Death by Earl A. Grollman

This is my Go To book I use with children when talking about death. It is also the one I recommend for parents to use with their children.

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From Wild Man to Wise Man by Richard Rohr

Richard writes a telling book on transformational spirituality for men.

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Stages of Meditation by The Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama discusses the "stages of meditation" and how to achieve them.

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The Power of Mindfulness by Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal (May) on Mindfulness Solutions for many life events. Meditation at

Devotions by Mary Oliver

A reviewer once wrote that Mary Oliver's poetry is "Achingly beautiful!" I agree wholeheartedly! Start your day with one of her poems!

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Start Where You Are by Pema Chödrön

Chödrön has us "Start Where You Are" by embracing our imperfections to awaken a compassionate heart. 

How Can I Help? by Ram Dass & Paul Gorman

A Must Read for anyone in the helping professions. Dass & Gorman focus on "being present". 

The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting by Brené Brown

One of the BEST books on parenting. "Raising children with courage, compassion & connection."