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Key Symptoms: Loss of appetite or overeating, poor concentration, not sleeping or sleeping too much, feeling sad and depressed for weeks or months, hopelessness, apathy, loss of pleasure in things that once gave you pleasure, lack of energy, social isolation and not motivated to do anything. Lack of motivation can effect activities of daily living, bathing, dressing, hygiene, brushing one's teeth, eating. Individuals who are depressed are also anxious and have physical pain. There is still very little understanding of the cause of depression.

Treatment includes: Individual therapy, group therapy, and medication. Alternative therapy includes mindfulness meditation, yoga, and interval exercise. Depression, unlike sadness, is often ongoing and recurrent. Individuals report feeling in a deep hole, a dark cloud, and unrelenting depression.

Reactive Depression

Reactive depression is a reaction to an external life event. Common causes of a reactive depression include divorce, loss of job, the death of a family member, and death of a pet and a break-up. Additional examples include work-place stress, financial problems, loss of home, natural disasters, relocation, retirement, and positive situations, i.e., a promotion.

Symptoms include problems with concentration, appetite, sleep, mood swings, anger, sadness, anxiety, but the symptoms do not last a long as clinical depression and are not as intense.

Treatment includes: Individual therapy, group therapy, and medication. Alternative therapy includes: mindfulness meditation, yoga, and interval exercise.

Treatment-Resistant Depression

Treatment-resistant depression also referred to as refractory depression, is a severe ongoing depression that has not been able to be decreased or lessened by multiple modes of therapy and psychopharmacology. Individuals may get some temporary relief from a new antidepressant, but the depression never goes away. There is a high rate of apathy, hopelessness and psychological disability with this depression.

Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression have often tried a myriad of anti-depressants with little long-lasting efficacy. Individual and group depression along with medication can be helpful. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), and Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) are also alternative treatments.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)


Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of major depressive disorder that affects individuals during the winter months. Because of carbohydrates and are irritable and sad. They often become more isolated and sleep more even during the day time hours.  These individuals have problems with concentration and completing tasks. There is a relationship with Bi-Polar Disorder and SAD.

Treatment includes light therapy, ionized-air administration, cognitive-behavioral therapy and the use of supervised Melatonin replacement.

Depression Related to Loss

Most common type of loss is the death of a family member or friend. The more sudden and unexpected the loss the longer the person will experience sadness and depression. The more tragic the loss and a loss where closure is not possible often are never fully resolved. The most common examples are: Parents of Murdered Children or Missing in Action. A loss by suicide or homicide is also an example of complicated bereavement.

Treatment involves individual, couples, and family therapy. Group therapy is also beneficial especially for children and adolescents and those who have a complicated bereavement.

Depression Related to Loss
Pet Loss

Like the loss of a loved one, especially for those who do not have children or the elderly, the loss of a pet is a tragic loss. Our pets give unconditional love and are with us at the best times and the worse times. One-on-one therapy is the treatment of choice. - a virtual memorial home and grief support community for those who have experienced the death of a pet. - an additional website for those who have experienced the loss of a pet. (Thank you to Olivia who recently lost her dog Minnie).

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